900 Global Sublime Ball Review by Jeff Ussery

Layout: 60 degrees x 5 1/2" x 40 degrees
RG: 2.49"
Differential: .050"
M/b: n/a
Surface: Reacta Gloss Factory Finish
Core shape: Symmetric
Manufacturer's Intent: The Sublime has been handcrafted with ALL NEW cover and core technology within the 900 Global product line. This new ball features the Reserve Blend 802 Hybrid Cover, finished with Reacta Gloss, for a versatile option within the 800 Series. Paired with the groundbreaking Immersed Symmetric A.I. Core, which represents countless hours of R&D, the Sublime will give 900 Global the next great reaction shape for those bowlers looking to fill their bag with a new symmetric bowling ball!
I haven't been able to bowl much in the last 4-6 weeks with how busy we've been at the store. But I have taken three new balls out recently, with the first one being the new 900 Global Sublime. This symmetric core piece has been a great addition to my bag as a step down from my larger hooking pieces. I started by leaving the Sublime in the box finish and laying it out with my standard 5 1/2" pin up drilling. The Sublime is everything most bowlers like in symmetric core balls. It's medium rg, medium differential, which equates to just good overall medium hooking ball motion. These core numbers typically provide smoother control off of the friction, and Sublime definitely has that feature.
When I first threw the Sublime, it actually hooked a touch less than I figured it was going to. But this ended up being a real benefit to my bag. It's a solid step down from more aggressive balls in the Storm/Roto/900 global families. I feel like Sublime really excels when you can get it a little closer to the drier zone of the lane (from left to right). If you can stay a touch further right than normal and continue to roll this ball off of the wet/dry, it will reward you with shot after shot of excellent ball motion. With the Reacta Gloss finish, it doesn't like being in the wetter portion of the pattern. This could probably be solved by cracking the surface a little bit, but I personally don't want to take away the attribute that the current finish gives me, so I'm going to leave it for now.
Sublime is going to be an outstanding option for a step down from balls like a Phaze 2 or even a 900 Global Zen. The core is just slightly weaker, and the cover matches perfectly to be a 3rd/4th ball in your bag from most hook to least hook. With the symmetric core shape, we'll be able to drill these with several different layouts so we can shape the backend motion to your liking.
Come see us to learn more about the Sublime from 900 Global! We have these in stock daily in 14# and 15#.